
Heritage at risk

Find out which parks, gardens and squares in Southwark are on the national Heritage at Risk register.

Search the Heritage at Risk Register

Every year Historic England updates the national Heritage at Risk Register. This is a list of heritage sites that are in need of rescuing from neglect, decay or poor development. Included are:

  • buildings
  • conservation areas
  • designated parks
  • gardens
  • ancient monuments

We work with Historic England, owners, developers and local communities to safeguard the future of our most vulnerable heritage sites. 

Registered parks and gardens

There are 5 registered parks and gardens in Southwark:

There are historic landscapes included on Historic England’s Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. These are landscapes of national significance, and the register is to celebrate landscapes of note and take account of their significance in the planning process.

Registered London squares

There are 7 protected squares in Southwark:

  • Addington Square
  • Merrick Square
  • Trinity Church Square
  • West Square
  • Nelson Square
  • Leyton Square
  • Avondale Square

Building on these sites is not allowed. Many are in conservation areas or have listed buildings, registered parks or gardens.