
Listed buildings

Apply for a building listing. Apply for permission to change a listed building.

It is a criminal offence to work on a listed building without permission. We investigate all reports of unauthorised works to listed buildings and structures. Request a listed building or structure investigation, or call 020 7525 5403.

You must apply for listed building consent if you want to do any work to a listed building or structure. This includes:

  • alterations or repairs that include the removal of historic fabric
  • changes to the building's character or layout
  • internal alterations such as the removal of historic doors or fireplaces
  • the replacement of external doors or windows

The application will need details about the existing features of the listed building. It will also need to say how any proposed works will affect them. 

Apply to Historic England to have a building considered for listing.

There are about 2,200 listed buildings and structures in Southwark. These are of national, historical or architectural interest. They are graded by importance (I, II* and II).

Grade I buildings are of paramount importance to the nation. Grade II* are of outstanding interest. Most of the listed buildings in Southwark are grade II, although we also have some grade II* and I.

Southwark Maps plots buildings that are listed. Curtilages (the site containing the building) and other listed structures on the site, are not listed. But you can establish these using our pre-application service. Use Southwark Maps as a guide only. Always visit listed buildings and structures to confirm their precise locations.