
Planning checklists - trees

Use this application type to notify us about any works that you plan to do to a protected tree.

Use this application type to notify us about any works that you plan to do to a protected tree

Protected trees include those covered by a tree preservation order (TPO). They also include those that grow in a conservation area.

You will also need to contact us if you want to prune branches overhanging from a neighbour’s protected tree.

Your application needs to consider the effect of development on trees covered by a TPO or in a conservation area. This applies to all planning application types, including for permitted development. 

Check the Planning Portal about when you need to contact us before doing works that will impact a protected tree

Works to trees applications - what must be included

Application form

Use the 'Application for tree works: works to trees ' application form from the Planning Portal.

Fill in all relevant parts of the form.

Sign and date the application form before you submit it.

If you're not able to submit your application online, download copies of all application forms from the Planning Portal website.

Why we need this

This is a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).

Location plan

Submit a plan of the site showing the application site and its surrounding area.

Make sure you:

-scale plans at 1:1,250 or 1:2,500 and include a scale bar on each plan, on A4 or A3 paper size 
-use an up-to-date base map
-show roads or buildings on land adjoining the application site (labelling at least 2 roads)
-outline the application site clearly in red: this must include all land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings
-outline any additional land under the ownership of the applicant in blue if it immediately adjoins the proposed area

Supporting information

To support your application for works on a tree, you must provide:

-a tree location sketch map showing the distances between trees, boundaries, properties and roads (it does not need to be to scale)
-the tree type and condition
-details of who is interested in the tree
-a description of the intended works and why they are needed, showing which trees will be affected
-the type of work which will be done on them
-any replacement trees that will be planted

Where trees are protected by a TPO you must include the reasons for work and where the trees are being felled.

You should also propose planting replacement trees. You should say how many, what kind, where you'll plant them and their size. If you cannot do this, you should explain your reasons.

Biodiversity survey and report

Submit a biodiversity survey and report for:

-all proposed tree works
-development affecting mature trees
-sites with trees with obvious holes, cracks or cavities
-sites with trees with a girth greater than 1m at chest height
-development affecting ‘derelict’ land (brownfield sites), allotments, mature gardens and railway land
-development close to or impacting parks and open spaces
-sites next to local wildlife site or sites of importance for nature conservation (SINCs)

The report should explain how the site has taken a net gain approach to biodiversity.

It should state if there are any impacts from the development. Or if any impacts affect nearby sites.

Read our Nature Action Plan 2020 and information about how we manage trees in Southwark.

For further guidance on biodiversity net gain, visit the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and read guidance by the Greater London Authority.