Street name and numbering service
The street naming and numbering service gives names and postal addresses to new and existing streets, houses and buildings.
How to make an application
Read the guidelines on making the application (PDF, 159KB).
Complete the street naming and numbering application form (PDF, 392KB).
Email your completed application form to Include a 1:1250 plan with your application. Each entrance to be numbered should be indicated on the plan with a red arrow. You'll need the freeholder's permission before any change to the name or number of a building.
If you wish to pay by cheque, include this with your email. If you wish to pay by credit card or BACS, pay online using the details in the letter we send you.
We aim to process all applications for naming and numbering or renaming and renumbering of buildings in existing streets within a month of receipt. We aim to process applications for naming or numbering of new streets, both private and public, within three to six months of receipt.
If a name is chosen from our list of approved names, this will speed up the process. The list of names will be sent to you with your application form.