Antisocial and threatening behaviour
About antisocial behaviour and how we deal with it. Includes, rough sleeping, misuse of fireworks and community trigger.
Antisocial behaviour byelaws
We have the power to make byelaws. These are essentially local laws designed to deal with local issues.
We have byelaws to stop irresponsible and antisocial behaviour.
Byelaws for pleasure grounds, public walks and open spaces (PDF, 291KB) protect:
- wildlife
- horse riding
- cycling
- children's play areas
- dangerous games and sports
- protection of waterways
- powered model aircraft
They also let offenders be removed.
Byelaws for good rule and government (PDF, 20.7KB) cover:
- climbing upon and hanging from bridges
- dangerous games near and on highways
- interference with life saving equipment and road warning lamps
- skateboarding
- touting
- urinating in public
You can also read composite dog ban byelaws (PDF, 56.4KB) covering:
- dog bans
- clearing up dog mess
- where dogs must be on leads
Paper copies of the byelaws are at 160 Tooley Street, SE1 2QH. You can check them there for free on weekdays during office hours.