The Nest provides free and confidential mental wellbeing advice and support for young people in Southwark.
Mind provides mental health information for young people, whether you're looking for support for yourself, or if you need information because you’re supporting someone else.
If you’re a child or young person and want to talk to someone about how you are feeling now, call Childline on 0800 1111 or the Samaritans on 116 123.
Groundwork Mental Health Support Team supports children and young people in Southwark
The Papyrus HOPELINEUK offers phone, text and email support for young people experiencing suicidal thoughts. Call them on 0800 068 4141, 9am to 12am 365 days a year.
One Hub is a website for young people in Southwark. Find out about things to do, career opportunities and help and support, including mental health support.
ChatHealth allows you to text a qualified health professional anonymously for confidential advice on 07507 332 150 (for 11 to 19 years olds)
Togetherall is a free online 24/7 community of anonymous mental health support for Southwark residents aged 16 and older, provided by trained counsellors and peers. Select ‘my area is registered’ and add your postcode when you register for the first time.
Kooth is an online counselling service for children and young people aged 10 to 25 years old to get free, anonymous mental health and emotional wellbeing support.
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to chat with trained volunteers
The Mix helps people under 25 take on challenges such as mental health, money, homelessness finding a job, break-ups and drugs online, via live one-to-one and group chats, email, confidential helpline and 24/7 crisis text message service.
Good Thinking provides helpful digital resources for young people, including free NHS-approved apps top tips for young people to help boost your mental wellbeing.