
Ways to improve your mental wellbeing

It can help to get in touch with someone, get more active or connect with your community. Get support to do these things.

It can help to get in touch with someone, get outside and connect with your community. Find out where to get support to do these things.

Connect more by spending time with others

South East London Mind provides a friendly, safe and confidential telephone befriending service. This includes a regular weekly 30-minute chat with the same volunteer for up to 3 months.

The Samaritans offer a friendly chat for people struggling to cope. Call them for free on 116 123 or chat online with the Samaritans.

Age UK offers an advice line and a friendly chat if you're feeling lonely on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am to 7pm, 365 days a year.

Age UK and their charity partner The Silver Line can also help you set up a telephone friendship service.

Be physically active and get outdoors in green space

Try our top tips for getting moving.

Being outdoors in a green space can improve your mood. Find out where our parks and open spaces are in Southwark.

Physical activity with others has added benefits by helping you to connect more. You can find a range of online support to help you move more.

Southwark residents can use swimming and gym facilities for free in all of our leisure centres.

Pay more attention to the present moment

Mindfulness is a great way to help calm your mind, bring it back into the present moment, and be more aware of your surroundings.

Good Thinking London has NHS approved mindfulness and mental health apps and online courses.

See the NHS mindful breathing video.

Going for a walk outside and noticing what you can see and hear can also help. Find your nearest park.

Learn new skills

Our libraries across the borough are a great place to learn. 

Southwark's eLibrary offers free and online e-books, audiobooks, films and history resources.

Give something back to your community