Southwark information advice and support team
The Southwark information advice and support team offers advice to parents and carers of children and young people.
The Southwark information advice and support (SIAS) team offers special education and disability support services to families and carers for young people aged 0 to 25.
The service can help you make informed decisions about education and training.
Get support, training and advice on topics including:
- special educational needs
- communicating with schools and other organisations
- transition from nursery to primary school
- transition from primary to secondary school
- applying for a school place
- education and career choices for young people aged 16 and older
- education, health and care plans (EHCPs)
- tribunals and appeals
This service is free to:
- parents, carers and young people living in Southwark
- parents with a child at a Southwark schools
Drop-in sessions
Our drop-in sessions are during school term-time only on:
- Tuesday 9:30am to 1:30pm, book a session online
- Thursday 2pm to 5pm at Sunshine House, ground floor, 27 Peckham Road, London SE5 8UH
Contact us
You can contact SIAS by:
- calling 0207 525 3104
- emailing