Nursery schools
Find out how to register for a nursery school for a 3 to 5-year-old. What to do if you do not get a place.
Nursery schools and nursery classes are for children aged 3 to 5.
Your child can attend up to 5 mornings, 5 afternoons or a combination of both each week.
Register for a nursery place
Register a place for your child from the age of 2 by asking the nursery for an application form.
Each nursery school and nursery class has its own application process. Some schools and classes may ask you to apply online.
To help you decide which nursery school or nursery class best suits your child, it’s a good idea to visit different nurseries.
If your child meets the schools' criteria, they have a greater chance of being offered a place.
The nursery will let you know if they can offer your child a place.
If your child is offered a place you’ll need to provide:
- Child Benefit documentation, if you receive this
- Council Tax bill
- one other proof of address, like a bank statement or TV licence
If you do not get a place
If you're not offered a place at your preferred nursery, you can be put on a waiting list. You cannot appeal the decision.
In the meantime, you can look at other nursery schools, nursery classes or under-5s facilities.
Find out about free early education entitlement.