Secondary schools in Southwark
How to apply to get a secondary school place for your child.
Secondary schools in Southwark are:
- academies
- voluntary aided
- free school academies
Before applying for a secondary school place for your child it’s a good idea to research all the schools that you and your child are interested in.
It’s also a good idea to arrange to visit your preferred schools during their open days or open evenings.
Check each school's website for details.
You apply for a school place through eAdmissions.
We coordinate admission applications for all schools.
The schools are responsible for:
- setting their own admission arrangements
- making sure that their arrangements are fair, clear and comply with regulations
You can read about admission criteria in the starting secondary school guide.
Schools outside Southwark
If you do not live in Southwark, complete the admission application for the council area you live in, even if you want to apply for a school in Southwark.
If you have a question, ask the school.
If you cannot get an answer from the school, contact us.
Secondary school banding tests
If you're applying to a secondary school that uses banding, your child will need to take a test.
The test is to understand the child’s abilities.
Contact the school directly or check their website for details of test arrangements.
Each school has its own deadline to register your child for the test.