Get election ready

Don't forget - if you are voting at your polling station on Thursday 4 July, you’ll need to bring valid photo ID. 
Check your ID now.
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark.



SpeakerBox is Southwark’s Children in Care Council (for young people in care and leaving care). We are the voice's of care experienced young people. We create opportunities for young people to hang out, have a say and be heard.


We meet monthly to discuss issues.
We offer advocacy support & help you make complaints.
We create films & performing arts performances.
We run a magazine for young people by young people.
We provide advice and information.
We offer paid work and opportunities.
We organise fun events, trips and activities.
We meet with councillors.
And lots more…

If you want to get involved, need an advocate or want to make a complaint, contact Dechaun on 07718 130 451 , or

Page last updated: 08 July 2022


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