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Wes Viola

Adult education
An image from Wes Viola's 'Way to Zed' tarot deck. The bard is humbled by the cosmos.


Links to my work

About me and my connection to Southwark

I am an imaginative writer with the grand title of 10th Bard of Ynys Witrin, which is another name for my hometown of Glastonbury. I have an MA with Distinction in Creative and Life Writing from Goldsmiths, and in 2013 won first prize for poetry at Wells Festival of Literature. My writing abounds with imagery from myth and legend - sometimes juxtaposed with modern absurdity and pop culture.

I've undertaken commissions for Wellcome Collection, Newcastle Centre for Literary Arts, and the Lawrence Sterne Trust at Shandy Hall. In 2020 I presented my 'Way to Zed' poetry cycle and tarot designs as part of Camberwell Arts Festival.

Since 2015 I have had the honour of working for Southwark Libraries, and have performed for Illuminate Rotherhithe festival's community celebrations. I'm also a regular face at Rotherhithe Voices.

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All Southwark Creatives Illustrator Poet Spoken word artist Storyteller Workshop leader / educator

Page last updated: 08/09/2023

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