

Fill up your recycling bin and bags as much as you like!

Most of the everyday things you throw away at home can be recycled in Southwark. This includes:

  • glass bottles and jars
  • cardboard boxes, paper, newspapers and magazines (even the glossy ones)
  • plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays
  • metal cans and tins
  • food and drink cartons (Tetra Paks)
  • egg trays
  • tin foil and aerosol cans

What’s left is typically the trickier to recycle items, like plastic carrier bags and soft plastic packaging, like bread and frozen food bags. 

But you can find your nearest drop-off point using Recycle’s recycling locator tool

Drop-off points are very often as close as your local supermarket.

If you cannot take these items to a local drop-off point then put them in your general household rubbish bin or sack. 

Scrunch them up so they take up little space in your 1 bag a week!

Dispose of electricals and electronics safely

The following items can cause fires and should never be put in your bins or rubbish bags: 

  • electrical items like kettles, hairdryers and electric scooters
  • electronic items like phones and laptops
  • all types of batteries  

Electric scooters and laptop batteries have caused Veolia collection truck fires and at their facilities.

When your rubbish and recycling is tipped into the back of the trucks the waste is compressed and squeezed to make room for more. This pressure can cause batteries and electrical items to burst and spark which can cause fires.

Dispose of them safely by taking them to:

Your 1 bag a week

Whatever you have left after following these easy steps can go into your 1 bag of rubbish.

Let’s recycle better, together. For each other. For Southwark. 

Take on the one bag a week challenge today!

Find out more about how to recycle the right way in Southwark.