"After leaving school I attended a college to undergo A-Levels in psychology, sociology and English literature. After completing the first year, I realised that I would rather earn money and gain experience at the same time.
The best thing about my apprenticeship is being able to take control of my learning and suggest skills and work experience that I believe will better me with my career.
This means that my tasks can vary so there is always something different and interesting for me to do. Being such a big department means that I am able to vary the different tasks that I do and gain a broader level of experience.
Completing the level 2 apprenticeship meant that I was then able to apply for admin roles within the council. I have now gone on to a level 3 apprenticeship which has increased my employability.
I would recommend the apprenticeship scheme as it helps to tackle unemployment as well as provide the opportunity to gain the relevant skills and experience that may be vital to help start your career path."