
Freedom of Information

Your right to request any written or recorded information held by us.


When we cannot supply the information

Vexatious requests

We don’t need to respond to vexatious requests. We ignore repeated requests for similar information from the same person or group within 60 working days. If a request falls into either of these categories, we'll send a written refusal notice.


We do business openly and honestly. It's important you know how we make decisions. All information is public, unless it is exempt under one of the 23 FOI exemptions.

If we withhold information due to an exemption, we'll write to tell you. Some exemptions are absolute, meaning that the information is automatically exempt from disclosure. But the presumption is to disclose the information.


If you're unhappy with our response to your FOI request, you can ask us to review our decision.

Send your review request to the Information Governance Manager by:

  • writing to Finance and Governance Department, Information Governance Team, PO Box 64529, London, SE1P 5LX
  • emailing
  • calling 020 7525 7511

Requests for a review must be sent within 2 months of when you received our original response.

If you're still unhappy, contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113.