Health and social care privacy notices
How our health and social care services use information about you and how we protect your privacy.
Privacy in adult social care
If you're receiving support from adult social care in Southwark, the NHS may share your NHS number with us. This is so both organisations can easily identify you, which will improve the support you get.
Your NHS number is accessed through the NHS's Personal Demographic Service (PDS). Adult social care sends your name, address, and date of birth to the PDS to find your NHS number. We store this in our adult social care case management system.
We'll use this number in an integrated care record system. It will connect support services, including GPs, hospitals, and nurses. It will link community matrons and social care practitioners, too.
Keeping your information secure
The council's record retention policies govern the adult social care system. Your information is kept in it. These policies follow the Data Protection Act 1998, record retention rules, and best practices. Email the Performance and Quality Lead, for more information.
Southwark Council is a registered data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Our registration number is Z5394246.
We will share information only to update your care team. This information is strictly controlled, based on the role of the professional. For example, social workers will only have access to information that is relevant to the execution of their care duties.
Our data security and confidentiality policies protect your information. Only staff involved in your care can access it. These policies are available on request.
What are the benefits
The addition of your NHS number to our social care data allows:
- better coordination and safer care across health and social care by sharing real-time information
- better coordination of discharges from hospital into social care
- more time to spend on planning and coordinating social care because health staff can identify and involve social care staff earlier in the process
- increased use of reablement services giving greater patient independence, less paperwork and timely interventions
Objecting to us having your NHS number
You can object to us having your NHS number and using it to coordinate services with the NHS. It won't stop you from receiving care, but may make it harder for the NHS and us to work together. If you're worried about us having your NHS number, please tell us. We can discuss options to manage your information.
To opt-out of using us your NHS number for social care:
- talk to your social worker
- call us on 020 7525 3661
- email