Introducing the 5 pillars

Pillar 1: Smart neighbourhoods

We are committed to making Southwark one of the best-connected boroughs in London by using emerging technology. We aim to understand how technology can be used to empower our residents, businesses, and staff to become digital-first and innovating using IoT, Smart City Technologies to help monitor and improve our borough environment. We will work with partners and learn from best practice.

  • Connected borough

    We want to become one of the most digitally enabled boroughs in London. This ambition is not just about embracing the latest technology or infrastructure; it’s about bridging the digital divide, ensuring that every resident, business, and staff member can harness the benefits of our digital-first approach. This means faster, more reliable internet connections, accessible technology hubs, and programmes that enable digital literacy. Our staff will also be equipped with the tools and skills they need to provide efficient and innovative services to those we serve.

    What we will deliver:

    • providing subsidies or incentives for residents to adopt smart home devices that contribute to the overall smart infrastructure.
    • continue to facilitate the rollout of 4G and 5G masts across the borough to improve mobile connectivity.
    • expanding connectivity across the borough.
    • analyse the broadband not-spots across the borough and work with internet service providers to improve connectivity in those areas.
  • IoT: the building blocks of a smart Southwark

    We have started our IoT journey. We will continue to deploy a network of interconnected devices and sensors to gather real-time data on a range of services, from housing conditions, transportation, public safety, environmental conditions and healthcare whilst working with partners. This wealth of data will enable us to make informed decisions, reduce operational costs, and respond proactively to community needs.

    What we will deliver:

    • deploying IoT sensors to monitor air quality, noise levels, and other environmental factors.
    • using data from these sensors to implement targeted measures to improve conditions for residents.
    • implementing smart infrastructure solutions, such as connected street lighting that adjusts based on real-time data, optimising energy usage and enhancing safety.
  • Collaborating for success

    Southwark recognises that we can achieve more by working together. We will forge partnerships with the private sector, local universities, and neighbouring boroughs as well as LOTI. These partnerships will enable the exchange of knowledge, resources, and innovative ideas. Through collaboration, we will overcome challenges and accelerate innovation through funded trials and pilots.

    What we will deliver:

    • collaborating with technology companies for the deployment of smart infrastructure
    • establishing partnerships with educational institutions to promote research and development in the field of emerging technologies; this includes promoting the free connectivity pilot for residents in the borough
    • supporting the London Plan Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Guidance Consultation as part of the GLAs plans to improve digital connectivity across London
  • Learning from global best practices

    We are committed to learn from the world’s most digitally innovative organisations. We will actively study and adapt successful implementations of smart technologies from around the world, working in partnership and learning from others. This approach ensures that we remain at the forefront of technological advancement, consistently providing our residents with the most cutting-edge solutions.

    What we will deliver:

    • working with technology partners to understand global best practices in the implementation and innovation of Smart technologies

Page last updated: 08 May 2024


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