Introducing the 5 pillars

Pillar 4: a well-run council

We are establishing a centralised hub for Technology and Digital within our organisation to help our staff to use modern workplace technology and gain the skills they need to deliver better, more efficient services. This involves a commitment to aligning our services with user needs and to making essential investments in technology to ensure accessibility and security. We aim to meet the evolving needs of our residents while empowering our staff to adapt to new ways of working.

  • Empowering staff with modern workplace technology

    Southwark is committed to making investments in modern workplace technology that empowers our employees. Implementing digital collaboration tools, integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, internal chatbot support, AI based automation to replace manual tasks, collaborative SharePoint hubs to enhance improved communication, to provide our staff with the necessary means to excel in their responsibilities and to serve our residents more effectively.

    What we will deliver:

    • we will undertake a Digital Maturity Assessment for the organisation to establish a baseline for areas of improvement and provide assurances on the strategy
    • re-Implementing an integrated ERP system to streamline internal processes, unify data management, and enhance overall operational efficiency
    • we will create inter-operability between systems to support consistency across council services
    • the number of IT applications will be reduced by at least 10%
    • implementing internal chatbot technology to provide quick support and answers to common queries, improving the efficiency of internal helpdesk services
    • introducing AI based automation to reduce manual tasks, optimise resource allocation, and expedite decision-making processes within the organisation
    • implementing robust cybersecurity measures, including regular training, multi-factor authentication, and advanced threat detection systems, to safeguard internal systems and data
    • we plan to enhance our utilisation of Microsoft Dynamics, integrating channels, applications, and workflows to facilitate seamless end-to-end transactions across a broader spectrum of services. This initiative aims to maximise the first-touch capability of council officers

    We will continue our journey to deploy Microsoft 365 throughout the council to promote collaborative work among colleagues. This includes utilising features like simultaneous real- time editing access to files, enabling multiple colleagues to work on the same document concurrently. Additionally, it will provide flexible, secure access on any device at any time, instilling confidence in employees as compliance rules are automatically managed.

    We are implementing voice recognition in our contact centre, leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to connect residents with the appropriate service during their initial point of contact.

    The Southwark Council’s cloud programme has achieved 60% migration from on-premise infrastructure. This strategic move to the cloud is part of the council’s commitment to leveraging advanced technologies for enhanced operational efficiency, service delivery. improving scalability and ability to adapt to evolving technology.

  • Digital Workplace Skills

    We are actively developing training programmes and resources to promote digital literacy and professional growth. Our staff will have the opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to deliver services with the utmost efficiency while staying up to date with technological advancements.

    We have collaborated with Microsoft to provide more than 20,000 hours of digital training to council staff, fostering the development of new skills to enhance service delivery including Power BI, Teams, and Microsoft 365.

    What we will deliver:

    • developing digital training platforms to upskill employees in the latest technologies and tools relevant to their roles, fostering continuous professional development
    • establishing collaborative SharePoint intranet hubs to enhance internal communication, knowledge sharing, and project collaboration among different departments and teams
  • User-Centric Services

    Our services are designed with our users at the core. We actively engage in resident workshops, user research, and the application of user centred design principles to create services that are intuitive, accessible, and responsive to the needs of our residents.

  • Technology and Security

    To ensure reliable and secure services, Southwark is dedicated to making the necessary investments in technology. This includes not only infrastructure but also robust cyber security measures.

    We understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive data and the need to maintain the trust of our residents. We are committed to taking all necessary precautions to ensure data security and accessibility.

  • Digital Culture

    We are aiming to build a digital culture where innovation and new ways of working are embraced. Southwark is creating an environment where our staff can seamlessly transition to digital practices, collaborate more effectively, and responsive to the evolving needs of our residents. This cultural shift is pivotal to ensuring that our council remains agile and responsive to the challenges of the modern era.

    Digital Together (DiTo) champions within Southwark Council serve as integral catalysts for the effective adoption and utilisation of digital tools and systems among internal staff. These champions play a pivotal role in driving the council’s technology and digital strategy by promoting awareness, facilitating training sessions, and providing ongoing support to colleagues. They act as key advocates, ensuring that staff members are well-versed in utilising new technologies, enhancing overall digital literacy, and fostering a culture of innovation within the organisation.

    By actively engaging with their peers, addressing concerns, and sharing best practices, technology champions contribute significantly to the successful implementation of digital initiatives, ultimately supporting the council’s broader mission and operational efficiency.

    What we will deliver:

    • we will continue to build the DiTo champion network (currently 110 champions) to 200 to represent all of the services across the council including depots and front-line workers

Page last updated: 08 May 2024


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