Introducing the 5 pillars

Pillar 5: Data enabled - understanding the needs of our communities

Our 5 pillars will enable us to experiment with data, to understand how our residents live and work in the Borough. We will work with partners to try to connect and share our data and to use operational data to enable early intervention, prevention and to predict how we shape future council services to best serve our residents.

  • A Single view of the resident

    In our digital transformation journey, we aim to create a unified perspective of our residents, ensuring we provide them with consistent, coherent services. A single view of the resident allows us to break down silos and better serve residents, as we will be equipped to understand their interactions and history with our services comprehensively. This enables us to offer more personalised, efficient, and effective support.

    What we will deliver:

    • implementing a centralised data platform integrated with council systems, such as, IoT devices, Case Management Systems and Resident Relationship Management
  • Data Governance for Collaboration

    Collaboration is at the heart of our strategy. We recognise that data has the most potential when it is shared and used in collaboration. We are committed to developing robust governance frameworks that facilitate the secure and responsible sharing of data and insights within our organisation and with our trusted partners. These governance structures will help us harness the opportunity of data our stakeholders to better serve our communities.

    What we will deliver:

    • establishing a comprehensive data governance framework to ensure data quality, security, ownership and compliance with relevant regulations
    • utilising Data Governance routes to implement training programs and initiatives to enhance data literacy among staff. To promote advances in data quality and understanding of the role of data in their respective roles
    • strengthening data security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular audits, to safeguard sensitive information and maintain residents’ trust
    • conducting privacy impact assessments to ensure that data collection and sharing practices align with privacy regulations and respect residents’ rights
    • develop a data operating model, roles and skills to support advancing data maturity levels
    • creation of a new Data Dictionary to capture, manage and make transparent the data objects that are essential to service delivery
  • Empowering the Organisation

    We have invested in the Microsoft Modern Data Platform and Power BI to enable our staff and service areas to make data-driven decisions. The Modern Data Platform is designed to support Southwark in collecting, storing, processing, and analysing data effectively with Power BI enabling users to visualize and share insights from their data. It provides a suite of tools for connecting to various data sources, transforming data, creating interactive reports and dashboards, and sharing them with others.

    What we will deliver:

    • building on the success of the Modern Data Platform to conduct further scoping workshops to create a plan of data ingestion and dashboards
    • supporting key programmes, such as ERP Replacement, to baseline the current data position and create plans for data enhancement, archiving and migration to establish a new normal of quality and complete data in key systems
  • Understanding the needs of our communities

    What we will deliver:

    • create a Data Strategy to provide a framework to enable increasing sophistication of analytics it should provide insight to:
      • run business as usual
      • support business change
      • predictive and prescriptive analytics
    • continue to work in partnership with relevant agencies and partners to extend data sharing where applicable and adds value to the organisation
    • to continue to embed data analytics tools in decision-making processes, as part of the Centre of Excellence, we will deliver a further 100 Power BI training courses
    • creation of a publicly available data portal to expand the accessibility of data to provide open source data for partners


Next: Artificial Intelligence

Page last updated: 08 May 2024


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