Southwark Cost of Living Survey 2023-24

Southwark Council and UK Government are working with the independent market research company, Ipsos to find out more about what Southwark residents who got Cost of Living Support last year thought about the support they received.

This survey is for those who have received Cost of Living Support from the council last year.

Those who have been invited to take part in the survey have been contacted by email.

Please rest assured that Southwark respects your privacy and data. At no point have your contact details been shared outside of Southwark Council, nor will they be shared in the future. This invitation is solely for the purpose of this survey.

Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. There is no obligation for you to take part, but your input would be greatly appreciated. The survey is being administered on behalf of DWP and the council by Ipsos. Neither Ipsos nor DWP have received any information about you and will not know who is completing the survey. All responses are anonymous and will be stored securely by Ipsos and deleted following completion of the study.

You can visit our website to see what support is available to our residents affected by the Cost of Living Crisis.

Page last updated: 17 May 2024


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