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After school clubs

After school clubs provide childcare for children and young people aged between 4 and 14 years (some cater for children from specific age groups within this range). Some clubs provide places for 3 and 4 year olds to fit around nursery or pre-school education.

They are open in the afternoon, usually between 3pm and 6pm.

The majority of after school clubs are registered with the Ofsted, children's services and skills (Ofsted). If a service is open for over two hours and caters for children under eight years of age, they must be registered with Ofsted and are subject to regular inspections.

List of Southwark after school clubs

Download after school clubs in Southwark:

How do I know my child will be safe and secure

After school clubs registered with the Ofsted are checked to make sure the staff are suitable to look after children. At least half of the staff must be trained/qualified and there are rules on the number of staff depending on the number and the ages of the children catered for.

A check is also done on the premises of the after school club to ensure they are safe and suitable for children.

The after school club registration and inspection certificate should be displayed and you can ask to see their most recent Ofsted report.

After school clubs catering for children eight years and over are not required to be registered but may choose to register on the voluntary part of the Ofsted childcare register and many will be 'quality assured' by a scheme recognised by the government.

If they're registered, play workers and at least half of the staff will be trained/qualified.

Page last updated: 05 March 2024


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