Share your experience of maternity care in Southwark

We want to hear from you (or your family) if you’ve had a pregnancy in the last five years.
Complete the maternity survey and enter the £50 Love2shop voucher prize draw.

Get election ready

Don't forget - if you are voting at your polling station on Thursday 4 July, you’ll need to bring valid photo ID. 
Check your ID now.
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark.


Childminders look after children in domestic premises, usually the childminder's own home, and will be registered with Ofsted and inspected on a regular basis.

Childminders can often be flexible about the hours that they work and can make the most of local parks, playgrounds, toy libraries, drop-in groups and community centres. Often children have the chance to make good friends with the other children who go to their childminder.

List of Southwark registered childminders

If you'd like a list of Southwark childminders in Word format, email

Page last updated: 02 April 2024


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