Managing attendance - the three-stage approach

This section of guidance should be read in conjunction with the following statutory DfE guidance:

The new ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ guidance (2022) requires local authorities to ensure that procedures are ‘understood by all frontline operational staff in attendance and associated teams (as a minimum this should include social workers, early help keyworkers, and youth justice teams) as well as local partners (both statutory and voluntary including police and integrated care boards). This should include an understanding of which people and teams are responsible for each element of attendance delivery and how teams and professionals will work together.’

The three-stage approach is designed to meet these requirements by ensuring that schools, families, and professionals managing attendance issues in Southwark are clear in relation to their respective responsibilities and to provide consistency and fairness to young people and families.

Schools should continue to seek support and guidance from their FEH SPOC in relation to attendance issues and refer to FEH services for support with attendance (where such cases meet the criteria for support), irrespective of which stage attendance and inclusion action is currently in. However, to qualify for stage three statutory interventions from EIT, there's an expectation that schools or lead professionals will have completed stage one and two attendance and inclusion action prior to making a referral.

Although professional guidance must always be applied, as a guide, the three stages of attendance action correspond to tiers two to four on the Southwark Safeguarding Children Board Multi-agency Threshold of Need 2019 edition as follows:

Tier 1 - Children with no additional needs whose health and developmental needs can be met by universal services

Tier 2 - Children with additional needs. Universal services and/or support from Family Early Help

Tier 3 - Children with complex multiple needs. Statutory and specialist services

Tier 4 - Children in acute need

The parent/carer encourages regular attendance and engagement in suitable formal education.

The parent does not ensure attendance and demonstrates ambivalence towards their child’s right to education.

The parent/ carer does not ensure that their child receives suitable formal education and colludes with their child regarding absence from school, and condones it despite intensive support.

The parent/carer disregards the need for their child to engage in education, and will not engage with services.


Stage one - Initial attendance and inclusion action

Stage two - Formal attendance and inclusion action

Stage three - Statutory attendance and inclusion action

Page last updated: 16 January 2023


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