Southwark fostering service statement of purpose 2024 to 25
How the fostering service works. How we recruit, approve, train, support and work with foster carers.
Termination of approval
Resignation as a foster carer
If a foster carer makes the decision to give up fostering for Southwark, their approval will be terminated 28 days after the fostering service receives written notice and their name will then be removed from Southwark’s register of foster carers. The fostering panel is routinely informed of all resignations.
Becoming approved by another fostering agency
The Council respects the right of any foster carer to decide to cease to be a Southwark foster carer and to become approved by another fostering agency. In these circumstances Southwark will provide a reference and allow the new agency to have access to all relevant background information concerning the foster carer’s work as an approved Southwark carer.
Termination of approval due to unsuitability
If the managers of the fostering service form the view that a carer is no longer suitable to continue to be an approved foster carer, the matter will be taken without unnecessary delay to the fostering panel for careful consideration and the panel will make recommendations to the agency decision maker.
The foster carer’s views and feelings will be taken into account at all stage of the process. The foster carer will be provided with support from their supervising social worker during this process. Southwark will also consider funding support from a suitable independent person or from The Fostering Network in specific circumstances.
The Agency Decision Maker will provide written notice of the proposed decision giving reasons and explaining that the foster carer has 28 days within which to make representation to the decision maker or to apply to the independent review mechanism (IRM) for an independent review on behalf of the Secretary of State.
In all cases, the panel will consider how to safeguard and protect the interests of the children placed with the carer and ensure that any necessary placement moves are managed sensitively, focussing on the children’s needs.