Southwark fostering service statement of purpose 2024 to 25
How the fostering service works. How we recruit, approve, train, support and work with foster carers.
Support to foster carers
Foster carers are supervised and supported by supervising social workers (SSWs)
The SSW will visit at least every six weeks, and more often when a child is first placed, to help the foster carer meet the children’s needs in placement. They will work jointly with the child’s social worker to ensure that the child’s health, education, leisure, identity, cultural, religious and racial needs are met, and to ensure that the carers are fully involved in planning and decision making for the children and young people placed with them.
SSW’s will also monitor the carer’s practice, speak regularly to the young people in placement, and agree a training and development plan with the carer. The SSW and the foster carer will have a supervision agreement which sets out how they will work together and how they will resolve differences or difficulties.
Support groups
Foster carers are encouraged to attend support groups which will enable them to discuss issues and share experiences with other foster carers. These groups change and develop over time in response to the needs of foster carers. They may be informal, involving only foster carers, or they may be more formal, facilitated by a member of the fostering team or another professional.
Foster carer support groups play an important role in enabling foster carers to develop their networks, obtain support and learn from the knowledge and experience of other carers. One of the experienced social workers in the fostering team has a special responsibility for supporting and developing foster carer support groups.
Training is an integral part of the foster carer’s role and begins during the preparation and assessment process. Southwark takes the development of foster carers very seriously and all carers are expected to attend ongoing and core training.
The service has a Training Lead, an experienced senior social worker, who co-ordinates and commissions training for foster carers at all levels of development and ensures that the department’s chosen therapeutic care giving approach – the Secure Base - is integrated into all training sessions.
All foster carers have a training profile which is reviewed yearly at the time of their annual review. Foster carers’ fees are paid on three levels, and will be linked to their training and development record.
Foster carers must keep a training and development portfolio, which shows how they meet the skills they require to foster. All foster carers are expected to complete the training, support and development standards within 12 months of becoming approved as a foster carer, (or 18 months if a connected persons carer). This programme involves attending workshops and completing a personal portfolio that evidences that they meet the relevant standards.
Most of the training provided to children’s social care staff is available to foster carers, who can apply online on ‘’My Learning Source’’ (MLS). Applications to attend core training (including training provided by the local safeguarding children board) should be discussed first of all with the supervising social worker.
Financial support
Southwark foster carers receive an age-related weekly allowance which is set at a rate which has been recommended by the government as being sufficient to meet the needs of a child in foster care. The allowance is intended to be used to cover the day to day costs of caring for a child in placement, plus a reasonable contribution towards household expenses and the replacement of larger items such as furnishings and carpets.
The payments for foster carers is set out in the payments to foster carers policy which is updated annually. Foster carers receive a setting up grant and additional payments for holidays and for special festivals. Foster carers are also given a grant every three years towards the cost of a household computer for the use of the looked after children.
Newly approved foster carers may be offered support from an established foster carer who can provide practical help and advice.
Respite breaks
Through discussion with the supervising social worker, respite breaks can be arranged for foster carers in certain situations to enable them to have short breaks from caring for a foster child, usually through making arrangements for the child to stay for a short period with another foster carer.
Foster carers’ handbook
The handbook contains information for foster carers regarding the expectations of foster carers and the support available to them. It also provides guidance with regard to child development, safeguarding, health and safety, training and development and the statutory framework for fostering.
Other support services
Foster carers can also call on support from other services such as:
- the CLA education support team and the virtual head (CLA) for children’s educational needs
- Carelink (child and adolescent mental health service)
- the clinical service
- the youth offending service (YOS) which works with young people who have committed offences or who are at risk of offending and can provide support and advice to foster carers
- the designated doctor and specialist nurses for looked after children and young people
- the emergency duty team for support and assistance outside office hours
- the fostering team out of hours telephone advice and support service to foster carers
- Speaker Box – the children’s rights team, who can ensure that children and young people are involved in decisions about their future
- specialist services for young people with substance misuse problems
- contact service which enables children and young people to enjoy positive helpful contact with their birth families while they are in foster care
External support - Fostering Network
All Southwark foster carers have membership to The Fostering Network paid for by the local authority. The Fostering Network provides newsletters and regular information, consultation, updates on national developments and training. A helpline is available to members on 020 7401 9582 from 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday or you can email them at
Foster carer members of The Fostering Network can access a 24-hour legal helpline for expert advice on allegations and help with any legal queries on 01384 885734 and a completely confidential stress support service on 01384 885734. (Please ask to be put through to the stress helpline).
The Fostering Network also provides independent support for foster Carers if there has been an allegation against them. All Southwark Foster Carers facing an allegation can access independent support, via their supervising social worker. The Fostering Network will allocate an independent support worker within a day or two to provide their expertise and guidance until the allegation or complaint against is resolved.