The Empowering Communities programme
Come together with your community to talk about the issues that affect you.
Empowering Communities Facebook terms and conditions
Each Empowering Communities Facebook page is intended to enable members of the community, and other visitors to:
- exchange views, ideas and experience on a range of subjects
- promote local community activities and events
By leaving comments on the site, users accept that this is at their own risk, and they are responsible for the contents of the post.
The contents of the post do not necessarily reflect the views of the council. The council accepts no liability in respect of any content submitted by users and published on the site.
Facebook is only as good as the people who use it, so visit regularly and contribute freely. A page's usefulness and accessibility are affected by the balance of content, the tone of discussion, and the opportunity for all users to have a voice. We ask that all contributors act responsibly when posting or replying to messages.
House rules
It is for this purpose that there are a few ‘house rules’ which users will be required to observe:
Do not post anything that might be considered to be indecent, discriminatory (for example, racist, sexist, homophobic), defamatory, abusive or threatening.
Do not post the personal details of others.
Do not post any third party material that infringes any legal rights such as copyright.
Do not post spam or messages advertising commercial products or services
Members under 18 should obtain their parent or guardian's permission before posting any comments or materials
Employees of Southwark Council using the site are also bound by the Code of Conduct for council employees. Southwark’s elected representatives are bound by the Code of Conduct for members
Guidelines for interpreting the house rules
If you wish to make a criticism, please do so constructively and without ever attacking people personally. Please state your opinions and viewpoints carefully, with tact and in a moderate manner.
Humour that might work verbally can sometimes come across as mean or judgmental in the written word.
Please keep your language clean. That way no one can be offended.
Our approach to moderation
If you feel there is a post that is offensive in any way, in the first instance please contact the page administrator. Action will be taken as soon as possible. It should be noted that the site will only be moderated between 9.30am and 5.30pm.
Persistent offenders will be blocked permanently.
We reserve the right to edit or delete content that breaches the house rules at our discretion. Moderation will be undertaken regularly, and every effort will be made to remove unsuitable content. However, it's possible that on occasion, it may not take place for more than 48 hours. If offensive material is posted, it is also the responsibility of users to alert the administrator.