
The Devolved Highways programme

Find out more about the Devolved Highways programme.

Every year an additional £800,000 capital funding for public highway improvements is available.

The fund can help projects seeking to improve street surfacing or paving, street accessibility (like dropped kerbs or traffic calming measures).

Apply online 


What can I apply for?

You can apply for ideas that improve or enhance the public highway, including:

  • traffic calming
  • footway and carriageway resurfacing
  • localised repairs
  • accessibility improvements
  • footway buildouts
  • cycle hangars
  • trees

You cannot apply for:

  • ideas on private land or housing estates (ideas on housing estates may be eligible for Cleaner Greener Safer funding
  • ideas which would reduce the footway and impede pedestrians
  • the removal of traffic calming measures without suitable replacements
  • speed cameras or traffic speed indicators
  • ideas which do not comply with council policy
  • street parties or events on the public highway

Who decides and when?

If your project is suitable for this funding we will advise the ward councillors after we have assessed all the applications. The decision making process is the same as for the Cleaner Greener Safer scheme, but projects are carried out by a separate Highways team.

Shortlisted proposals will be costed by officers in November and December. 

Reports will be presented to ward councillors and decisions will be announced the following spring. Find the dates of multi-ward area meetings

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