
School records

If you need to see records held about pupils, school staff or the education system in Southwark, you can get in touch.

If you need to see records held about pupils, school staff or the education system in Southwark, get in touch with us.

Information asset register

Our information asset register contains details of records, who owns them and where they’re held. 

The register helps us find requested records, whether they're in paper, digital or other formats.

We follow rules on the information we hold, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act. This means the data held about pupils and school staff must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to see most types of recorded information held by us. You can read more about The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.

Asking us for information

You can ask us if we hold any information about you or your children.

If you make a request, which must be in writing, we'll acknowledge your request within three working days.

We’ll provide you with a copy of the data, if we hold it, within 30 calendar days.

You’ll be asked to provide identification.

Asking for school records

If you need your child's school records, you should contact your child's school.