Global IT issues affecting online forms and systems

We are currently impacted by the global IT issues. As a result, a number of systems are affected including the majority of our online forms. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Let's talk about: ageing well

In May 2015, Southwark became one of the World Health Organisation's global network of age friendly cities.

We are starting a community conversation to find out how age friendly we are, what can be done to improve the experience of being older in the borough and discuss the issues that impact on living well in Southwark.

We want to hear about the experience of all older people so the action plan we put together reflects the wide diversity of experience of the people who live and work in Southwark.

We want everyone, whatever your age to take part, as we believe a borough that is friendly to older people has benefits for everyone.

The Ageing Well consultation is now closed.

Becoming age-friendly is not just about what the council can do, but how together we can create a place which supports people to live well and lead full and active lives. Individuals, businesses, employers and service providers, including transport and health, have a key role to play in making Southwark a good place to grow up and get older.

Page last updated: 13 October 2017


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