
Southwark biodiversity fund

The total funding available is £500,000, which will be allocated in grants for capital projects starting in 2025. Depending on the specific projects that come forward, we hope to support around 10 to 12 projects across the borough.

This fund is part of our ongoing work to implement the recommendations of our Citizens’ Jury on Climate Change . In line with their recommendations and Southwark’s Climate Change Strategy and Adaptation Plan, the fund’s key aims are to:

  1. Deliver strategically impactful, lasting interventions for biodiversity and nature recovery in Southwark (priority aim), especially in the places and habitats that will make the most difference to nature.
  2. Make the borough and its residents more resilient and adapted to our changing climate, for example, through greening and depaving projects that will protect residents from flooding and overheating, especially in areas and communities at greatest risk.
  3. Protect, enhance and grow the community benefits that green space and access to nature offer to Southwark residents, particularly in areas and communities with less access to nature or experiencing other inequalities.

While we are looking for projects that contribute to all three aims, this specific funding scheme has been designed with the biodiversity outcome as its key priority aim. Applicants looking to deliver projects related to green space that do not directly provide new habitats for biodiversity (for example, activities to engage people with green space or offer amenity improvements to green space) may be better suited to one of our other funds, such as the Neighbourhoods Fund or Cleaner, Greener, Safer.

Who can apply

Applicants must be constituted not-for-profit organisations with at least three unrelated members and a set of financial accounts demonstrating a record of existence and financial sustainability to be eligible for the fund. We will also ask questions about whether your organisation has relevant policies in place for the activities to be delivered, for example, relevant insurance covers or safeguarding policies if working with volunteers and residents).

Private companies

Private companies cannot apply for this fund. You must be a constituted not-for-profit organisation.


Individuals cannot apply for this fund. However, we encourage any interested individuals to work with a not-for-profit organisation to submit an application.

What we can and cannot fund

We can fund

This is a capital fund aiming to create new habitats, so we expect the bulk of your budget to relate to capital delivery. Consideration will be given to covering the following costs:

  • physical or capital infrastructure costs, for example, landscaping, restoration or creation of physical habitat features (such as ponds, bug hotels, wildflower meadows), or paths and fencing to protect habitats from damage while allowing people to enjoy nature
  • staff and contractor costs directly related to the delivery of the project, for example, capital project management, managing volunteers)
  • participation and engagement costs such as volunteer management, training and expenses to support volunteer work parties or promotion to engage, consult and inform the local community about the biodiversity enhancements
  • plants and equipment required to deliver biodiversity enhancements
  • project development and evaluation, such as design fees and monitoring of biodiversity impacts. These should directly support practical biodiversity impacts and not be the main purpose of the project, for example, research projects

We cannot fund 

The following activities will not be funded:

  • activities or capital work that has already begun
  • activities that do not benefit people living in the area will include work on land outside Southwark or on private land
  • commercial activities, for example, where there is no public benefit
  • religious activities, political parties or lobbying groups
  • statutory duties or medical or academic research
  • grant-making bodies to distribute grants through a different process
  • projects that do not relate to biodiversity
  • individuals as opposed to organisations, any individual with an idea must work with a local not-for-profit organisation to make an application
  • organisations not established in the UK

How we will assess applications

Outcomes and assessment criteria

Given the key aims of the fund (see the introduction above), we will be seeking to fund projects that:

  • deliver biodiversity outcomes by enhancing, protecting or creating habitat through physical changes to a space, supported by relevant ecological expertise or advice
  • contribute to at least 1 of the following objectives (from Southwark’s Council Delivery Plan):
    • providing a high quality green space
    • planting trees
    • safer, greener and healthier streets
    • creation of parks/ nature sites
  • strongly demonstrate social and/or environmental outcomes (for example, providing access to nature for communities where this is lacking; tackling flood risks or overheating; improving air quality; or increasing pride in place)
  • can show they are well-planned and deliverable, including appropriate budget, timescales, and risk management
  • have sustainability / future management plans in place
  • demonstrate value for money (when comparing projected outcomes to the total grant request)

In addition, for grant requests over £30,000, we will be seeking projects that:

How we will make decisions

If we receive more funding requests than the sum available, we will score projects competitively on these criteria, focusing on the likely biodiversity, social and environmental outcomes, and how these compare to the grant requested (value for money).

We aim to achieve a geographical spread of projects across the borough, with a particular view to areas of greatest need (for biodiversity, social and environmental / climate risk outcomes) as defined in the above criteria.

We also aim to support a range of project sizes, in order to achieve a geographical spread and also fund a mix of habitat improvement measures that will deliver lasting gains for nature. We are therefore aiming to allocate roughly 10% of the budget to grants of £15,000 to £30,000, 50% to grants of £30,000 to £80,000, and 40% to larger grants of £80,000 to £120,000. These are approximate targets, and final funding allocations will depend on the specific projects that come forward and how they score against eligibility criteria.

Application process

Pre-application feedback

Four information sessions will be held for interested applicants to receive feedback about their project ideas. This will include a 10 minute conversation with a council officer, where you will be given constructive feedback on how your project idea meets the eligibility and criteria. Please only attend 1 of the sessions.

The sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • 31 October 2024, 12.30pm to 5pm, room G07, 160 Tooley Street, SE1 2QH
  • 1 November 2024, 12.30pm to 5pm, online
  • 12 November 2024,12.30pm to 5pm, room G07, 160 Tooley Street, SE1 2QH
  • 13 November 2024,12.30pm to 5pm, online

Book a drop-in session

Completing the form

If you meet the eligibility requirements, download the application form and return your completed form by email to

There is no limit on the number of applications per organisation. However, we will only award a maximum of either 2 smaller grants (£15,000 to £30,000) or 1 small grant and 1 large grant (£30,000 to £120,000) to any single lead organisation.

Reviewing applications

Following the initial officer assessment, an advisory panel will review all funding applications in competition and agree on an application shortlist and initial recommendations using the criteria outlined above in the 'how we will assess applications' sections.

The panel will check:

  • if the idea is feasible and meets the grant criteria
  • what biodiversity outcomes are expected to be achieved
  • whether the idea is well planned, cost effective and sustainable

The shortlist and initial recommendations will then be presented to our Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Jobs and Business, who will decide which proposals receive funding and how much.

You will be informed about the outcome of your application in early 2025. If you are awarded a grant, you will be sent a pack which will include:

  • a grant letter outlining the conditions of your grant
  • a request for any outstanding organisational documents not attached with the original application (PDF) needed in order to release the grant, for example:
    • safeguarding policy
    • health and safety policy
    • equal opportunities policy/statement
    • code of conduct
    • public liability insurance
    • a set of accounts showing income/ expenditure for the last financial year

You must return a signed and completed conditions of grant funding document. Your grants officer will confirm that all the information is in order and give you approval to start your project.


Once you have been awarded funding, you will be asked to provide updates on how your project is progressing.

Four months after the funding has been awarded, you will be asked to complete a short form with details of your progress so far. You will also be asked to provide some photos of your site.

You will then be asked to provide a further update in autumn/winter 2025.

We may also request that you meet with us on-site towards the end of your project to discuss your progress and celebrate your success.

If you are unable to deliver your idea within 18 months, we will withdraw funding.

Application guidance

If you have any questions, email

Sections A, B and C

Questions 1 to 17

Complete these questions as specified in the application form.

Question 18: Request for relevant documents

Providing these documents is preferable but not mandatory. We may need to ask for some documents later, depending on the nature of your project. We do not expect smaller organisations to be able to provide all these documents – it will depend on the exact nature of your project. If you have any questions about what is required in your case, you can come to one of our information sessions (see the 'application process' section above) or contact

Questions 20 to 21: Are there any Southwark Council councillors or officers connected to your organisation?

We are asking this question to ensure that we know of any potential conflict of interest and that the application process is fair.

Section D: About your project

Question 22: Give an overview of your proposed project, including the current biodiversity value of the space and the expected biodiversity value after your project has been completed (max 200 words)

Please give this information to the best of your knowledge. The expected biodiversity value could include habitat features, a summary of planting plans, and how your project will support different species by providing shelter, food and/ or space.

Question 23: Why does your project need to happen? (max 100 words)

Tell us about why your project is needed, for example, any issues it will solve, why it needs to happen here / now, and any support you have from others.

Question 24: What positive benefits do you expect your project will bring to the local community? For example, health, educational and social benefits (max 200 words)

Describe how your project will affect individuals in the communities who live close by.

Question 25: Aside from biodiversity outcomes, what other environmental benefits do you expect your project to bring? For example, improved air quality, adaptation to climate change, reduced local flood risk (max 200 words)

List other environmental benefits you expect your project to bring besides biodiversity and ecological outcomes.

Question 26: What work have you done so far to understand the need for your project and prepare to deliver? For example, consultation with stakeholders, site surveys, developed any designs or agreed any partnerships (max 100 words)

Provide a brief description of any progress you have made with this project if you have already started. Leave this question blank if you have not started. You do not need to include details of any project planning you have done so far, as applicants are expected to have a developed plan before submitting an application.

Question 27: What is the long-term maintenance plan for this project? Please attach a letter of support from person responsible for maintenance if you have this

It is important you have a realistic and sustainable maintenance plan for your project. We expect your long-term maintenance plan to cover at least the first 5 years. Any applicants who are unable to demonstrate that this has been carefully considered will not be successful. Please include as much detail as possible.

Question 28: What are the key milestones and timelines for this project? Please include when you expect to complete the project (max 100 words)

Include a breakdown of the main tasks you have identified and a rough estimate of when you plan for them to be completed. Include when you hope to complete the project by.

Question 29: Please provide an itemised project budget by completing the table below. Add extra rows if necessary.

Your budget should be as accurate as possible. Please seek quotes for larger items, or if you are unsure of the cost.

Please include details about staff and operational costs. We can only offer staff and contractor costs directly related to project delivery.

Question 30: Have you secured, or hope to secure any match funding? If so, complete the table below.

Match funding refers to funds secured through other grants or sources. Please complete the table provided.

Question 31: Please detail the key risks to the project and how these will be addressed. (Max. 250 words)

Describe 1 to 3 problems you could have with this project and how you will prevent these problem(s) from seriously affecting the success of your project.

Question 32: Would this project go ahead without a grant from the Climate Change Capital Fund? If yes, will a grant from the Southwark Biodiversity Fund allow this project to provide environmental benefits that are in addition to the original project plan? (Max. 150 words)

Summarise any alternative funding plans you have if your application for the Southwark biodiversity fund is unsuccessful and whether this is likely to result in fewer positive environmental outcomes.


Applications are now open and will close on 24 November at 5pm

All forms should be emailed to with the project name in the email subject.

Download the Southwark biodiversity fund application form 
(DOCX, 61KB)

If you would like to receive the information in these web pages application form in a PDF format, email