GALA Music Festival 2024 (Peckham Rye Park and Common)


We are carrying out a consultation in line with the council’s Outdoor Events Policy and it is based on the information given in the application and in the supporting event documentation submitted by the applicant.

The consultation will start on Friday 17 November 2023 and close at midnight on Monday 8 January 2024.

The purpose of the consultation is to provide people with an opportunity to review the event application and to comment on the application if they wish.

The council will produce a Consultation Findings Report, which will be based on the feedback submitted during the consultation period. The report will then be circulated to all those who have taken part in the consultation, for their consideration.

If you would like to comment on this application: SWKEVE000694, email: with the subject title ‘GALA consultation’ by the closing date.

If you need to speak to the events team, you can call: 020 7525 3422, but please note that this phone line is not staffed at all times, so if we don’t answer straight away, leave a message and we will respond to you as quickly as we can.

All responses to the consultation will be recorded and may be referenced in the consultation findings report. The report will be circulated to stakeholders and published on the council website as soon as is practicably possible.

We always try to circulate details of the consultation to as many people as possible, so please feel free to pass these details on to anyone you think might be interested.

The decision as to whether the Culture and Events team will issue the applicant an Event Licence will be based on the outcome of the consultation. The issuing of an Event Licence will also be subject to the applicant obtaining all other licences and consents required in order for the event to go ahead. In the case of continued dispute during the consultation phase, a senior council official has the final decision as to whether to issue an Event Licence to the applicant.  

Read more about the event here:

Supporting documents:

Stakeholder meetings:

Page last updated: 17 July 2024


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