Get election ready

Don't forget - if you are voting at your polling station on Thursday 4 July, you’ll need to bring valid photo ID. 
Check your ID now.
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark.

Piano People, RALLY, Body Movements, Bermondsey Carnival 2024 (Southwark Park)


The size and nature of this event requires us to consult with site stakeholders in line with our Outdoor Events Policy. The purpose of the consultation is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to review the event application and to comment if they wish.

You can have your say by

The meeting will be in person at a local venue and online via Teams or Zoom. If you would like to register to attend the meeting, please email

We will produce a Consultation Findings Report based on all feedback received. This will be circulated to stakeholders. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to comment on the report if they wish. Any comments will be considered when deciding the final outcome of the consultation.

The decision as to whether the council will issue the applicant an event licence will be based on the outcome of the consultation. The issuing of an event licence will also be subject to the applicant obtaining all other licences and consents. These are required in order for the event to go ahead.

In the case of continued dispute during the consultation period, a senior council official will have the final decision on whether to issue an event licence.

Read about the event here:

Page last updated: 18 April 2024


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