Get election ready

Don't forget - if you are voting at your polling station on Thursday 4 July, you’ll need to bring valid photo ID. 
Check your ID now.
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark.

Buying or selling an empty property

You could sell your property to individuals or companies that have the money to renovate and bring it back into use. We hold a list of private individuals who have expressed an interest in buying empty properties in the borough. To request a copy of the developers list please contact the Empty Homes service

Are you an investor or property developer?

If you are interested in buying empty properties in Southwark, you can apply to have your details added to our developers list. This list is sent to owners of empty properties in the borough who are thinking about selling them. To apply please complete the developers list online form.

Page last updated: 03 August 2022


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