Gypsy and Traveller pitches
We provide 4 sites for Gypsies and Travellers with hard standing areas for caravans, and amenity blocks. Find out how to apply for a pitch.
We provide 4 pitches for Gypsies and Travellers at:
- Ilderton Road
- Brideale Close
- Burnhill Close
- Springtide Close
Each pitch comes with:
a hard standing area for a single caravan
an amenity block
We maintain the common areas of the sites.
To stay on a pitch, you’ll need to show either of the following:
you travel for work purposes and stay away from your usual place of residence
you’ve temporarily stopped travelling because of education, ill health or old age and plan to travel again for work purposes in the future
You can apply for a pitch online.
Read our guidance before you apply (PDF, 51KB).
Or contact us for more information.
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