About major works
Find out about our safety programme, stock condition survey and Putting Residents First standards.
We carry out planned maintenance projects to maintain and improve your homes.
Our vision for Southwark in 2030 is for our residents to live in safe, well-maintained homes. A good home is the cornerstone of a good life, and that’s why we are working hard to make sure all our homes are warm, dry and safe.
Safety programme
Changes to building and fire safety legislation mean we have refocused our planned maintenance works to make sure we are complying with all the new regulations.
Our residents’ safety is always our first priority and we are focusing on important safety works in our buildings across the borough. Some of our other maintenance works have been put on hold or delayed while we do this. We are sorry if this has affected works that were planned for your home. You can still contact our Repairs team as usual for any repairs that you need.
Planned maintenance projects
A small number of planned maintenance projects are going ahead in 2024 and 2025, where we have identified that urgent works are needed.
Stock condition survey
From spring 2025 we will assess our homes and buildings to understand their maintenance and investment needs. This work will enable us to put together a new council homes investment strategy in 2026. We will engage with residents across the borough to inform the new strategy.
Putting Residents First standards
Our Putting Residents First standards set out responsibilities during major works projects.
They show:
- how we'll consult with you about major works
- how you can get involved
- your role at each stage
The standards were developed in consultation with residents.
They apply to everyone involved in carrying out major works to your home. This includes our contractors and professional technical advisers.
You can download the Putting Residents First Standards (PDF, 501KB) document for more information.
For any queries about major works programmes, or the standards, contact the investment planning team online.
If you're a leaseholder or freeholder who pays us a service charge you can find out about major works charges.