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Tayo Situ House


Tayo Situ House is a newly built service providing 42 self-contained flats which open out into shared corridors. The ground floor contains shared facilities such as a large lounge, launderette and hairdressing salon. This service provides care and support to people living in specialist ‘extra care’ housing. Extra care housing is purpose-built or adapted single household accommodation in a shared site or building.

Tayo Situ House

Tayo Situ House

Development team

The following partners worked with us to deliver this development:


Lead Consultant: Motts McDonald

Constructor: Osborne

Architect: PRP Architects

Site location


1-42 Tayo Situ House
73 Commercial Way


Southwark boundary

New Development

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The map below shows the location of this development.

How many homes are we building?

This scheme delivered 42 social rented homes

Social rent

Other genuinely affordable

Outright sale

Indicative development timetable

This scheme is delivered

Milestone completed

Planning submission
Summer 2013

Milestone completed

Planning approval
Winter 2013

Milestone completed

Construction begins
Spring 2015

Milestone completed

Construction completion
Winter 2016

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