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Viability Assessments

Weekly update - 1 November 2019

viability wn5

What did we do this week?

  • This week started with a great turn out for our third show & tell at Southwark, with representatives from Ealing, Tower Hamlets, Southwark, GLA, MHCLG.
  • We shared back the insights from user testing which that informed the prioritisation and focus for prototype design.
  • We also walked through future user journey scenarios, in order to understand how case officers, viability officers, consultants and developers will use the tools to support negotiations.
  • We continued work to align the data fields we’re using with PlanX, to ensure a common data schema across multiple projects.
  • We’ve also been increasing the number of examples in the dataset for the prototypes so that they show more examples, and allow for filtering.
  • Finally, the team have started thinking about impact and how to measure this moving to beta and beyond.

What's the plan for next week?

  • We are planning conversations with case officers and viability officers to understand specific needs and whether or not the comparison tool will help support conversations and negotiations. We are also looking to better understand how comparables are actually selected and searched for.
  • We are continuing to build out the comparison tool prototype with mapping functionality and filtering.
  • We’re running an impact workshop to start to detail out the narrative of the work.
  • We'll continue to develop the process for automating the collection of viability data, whilst continuing to develop the data standard.

Page last updated: 03 February 2020


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