
New business starter guide

This guide is designed to help you access key council business services, including how to report problems and get support with growing your business.

Apprenticeships and recruitment

Find out about apprenticeships for your business and how they work.

For one-to-one support with apprenticeships email

Recruitment support

Southwark Works offer recruitment support for Southwark businesses. They have a range of local candidates that are ready for work.

Advisors use information about past work experience and future employment expectations to find the right person for your job. 

If their clients do not have the specific skills needed for the opportunities you have on offer, they will provide additional training to make sure your job requirements are met. 

Contact Southwark Works at:

376 Walworth Road

London, SE 17 2HG

Telephone: 0800 052 0540

Email and ask for the employer engagement team.