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'We are not a borough that cowers in fear – we stand strong against division'

23 March 2017

Cllr Peter John, Leader of Southwark Council, said: “Yesterday’s horrific events on Westminster Bridge and outside Parliament have shocked and saddened us all, but they have also reminded us of London’s strength and resilience. Through the horror shone incredible acts of bravery, compassion, dignity and kindness, and Londoners from all backgrounds and communities came together to condemn these evil acts.

“Over the coming days it is crucial that Southwark, and London, stand united, refusing to give in to the fear and hatred that events like this aim to ignite. We are a wonderfully diverse borough, a melting pot of people from all nations and religions, and we are stronger for it. We are not a borough that cowers in fear – we stand strong against division.

“This morning we held a moving minute’s silence at our Tooley Street offices to remember those who lost their lives yesterday. If anyone feels lost in the wake of this attack, I would follow the advice of Jo Cox MP’s widower Brendan to focus on those who did everything to protect our freedom yesterday, not those who threaten it. We owe it to people like PC Keith Palmer who died to protect our city and our democracy, to do all we can to promote peace and unity. In this spirit, the Mayor of London has organised a vigil in Trafalgar Square this evening for anyone who wishes to pay their respects.

“The police have been clear in their advice that London is not in lockdown. We remain an open city, and we will go about our business as normal, aware but not alarmed. I am proud of our united borough, and I know we will move forward from this tragic event with our heads held high, united in our love for our great city.”

Page last updated: 23 March 2017

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