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Southwark Council supports International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls

23 November 2018

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls on November 25 aims to promote awareness of violence against women and girls all over the world.  This also marks the start of 16 days of action against gender based violence.

Right across the council we have trained a variety of staff, covering many different roles, to recognise the signs of abuse and to help those affected to find appropriate support.

During the 16 days of action the council will be hosting a number of training sessions and workshops for council staff. These sessions will cover a range of issues including the impact that domestic abuse can have on children and young people and training for street cleaners on their role in keeping children safe from exploitation.

This work is part of a co-ordinated effort to inform all sections of the Southwark community about what to watch out for and to be confident enough to report concerns. All of the council’s community work is carried out alongside the police and specialist parts of the council such as social care and youth workers and the NHS. This means that the people we meet have a range of experts they can talk to.

Cllr Evelyn Akoto, cabinet member for community safety and public health said: “Violence against women and girls has no place in our society and Southwark Council remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring our borough is safe for everyone. The events that we have organised demonstrate our whole council approach to tackling gender based violence. When adopted, the New Southwark Plan sets out a clear plan to develop a Violence against Women and Girls strategy to tackle all forms of gender based violence.”

Although, the majority of the workshops have been arranged for specific audiences, there will be a domestic and sexual abuse information stall in Southwark Council Tooley Street office reception between 11.30am – 2.30pm on Monday 26 November which anyone can attend.

Southwark Advocacy and Support Services (SASS) supports all women and men who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, domestic and sexual abuse living in Southwark; whether or not you choose to report to the police, SASS can offer help.

You can access the service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 0207 593 1290.

If you're in immediate danger always call the police on 999.

(image: UN women)

Page last updated: 23 November 2018

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