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Council launches first School Streets road closure

17 September 2018

Southwark Council launches its School Streets campaign at Bessemer Grange Primary School. The school is piloting the council’s proposed timed roads closures, which will bring benefits of cleaner air and improved road safety for children at the school.

Cllr Richard Livingstone, Cabinet Member for environment, transport management and air quality, was joined by children, parents and teachers from the school; Sarah Beard, Executive Headteacher and Will Norman, London’s first Walking and Cycling Commissioner, also joined a Play Streets session to celebrate the occasion, on the 14 September.

Bessemer Grange Primary School is on Nairne Grove, part of this road will be experimentally closed to motor vehicles on weekdays, during the school’s term time, from 8:30am to 9:30am and 3pm to 4pm.

The council will monitor this pilot study, producing a further report and investigating the potential for making the closures permanent at Bessemer Grange. The introduction of a wider rollout of trial school street closures at other Southwark schools, will be looked into where possible.

Parents were consulted ahead of the trial, they responded raising concerns about poor air quality near the school and issues regarding road safety and dangerous parking during school drop off and pick up times.

The scheme aims to provide health benefits to both school users and local residents, particularly younger children who are more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution.

Residents within the road closure area will be able to make advance arrangements with the school if they need to move their vehicles.

Cllr Richard Livingstone said: “We are very hopeful that this School Streets road closure will lead to our working with more schools, families and residents across Southwark, in a move to reduce traffic and encourage more parents and pupils to cycle and walk to school.

“Improving air quality in Southwark is something we are passionate about at the council and we hope that this, our first School Streets road closure, will help us to reduce air pollution, improve health and increase safety and physical activity for children here at Bessemer Grange Primary School.”

Page last updated: 02 October 2018

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