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Walworth Memorial Garden returns

10 September 2018

Residents can once again enjoy the Memorial Garden outside Walworth Town Hall after hoardings were pushed back and the space re-planted.

The small green space along Walworth Road, with its memorial stone laid for those who died during World War II, has been hidden behind hoarding that went up around the Town Hall following the fire in 2013.

Southwark Council, working with the Walworth Society and with support from Lendlease who re-planted the garden and made other improvements, have now moved the hoardings closer to the building to bring the space back into use.

Cllr Johnson Situ, cabinet member for growth, development and planning, said: “I am very pleased that we have been able to bring this little haven of reflection and peace back into use for local people.”

Page last updated: 10 September 2018

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