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Could you be the next Southwark Scholar?

12 April 2019

Each year Southwark Council opens applications to the young people of the borough to go to university without the worry of tuition fees.

Since the scheme began in 2011, Southwark Council has helped 88 people enrol in higher education. In 2018 13 young people from Southwark were able to enrol in university thanks to the scheme.

Our scholarship supports young people who have an excellent academic record of achievement, made a positive contribution to their local communities and have a combined household income of less that £25,000.

As part of the recruitment process, our panel want to hear about your passion for your community and how you plan to give back in the future.  For example, one scholar Leanne Armitage, set up ‘Leanne’s Amazing Medics’ a six- week programme for school children designed to increase the self-confidence of students from ethnic minorities and disadvantaged backgrounds. It introduces students to medics from similar backgrounds and provides them with detailed understanding of what the field of medicine entails. 

This year students have gone to universities across the country including the University of Bath, University of Exeter, University of Edinburgh and Imperial College London to study a range of subjects including History, Psychology with Neuroscience, Economics, Law, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Pharmacy. Since graduating from university our scholars have gone on to careers in education and entrepreneurship.   

Cllr Jasmine Ali, cabinet member for children, schools and adult care said: “I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone who is eligible and thinking about applying to go for it!

“Our scholarship programme is there for young people who have the grades but don’t have the finances to go on to higher education. It exits to positively narrow the gap in attainment higher educational attainment for young people from deprived backgrounds and their better of counterparts.

“I’m delighted that our scholarship scheme has helped many young people go to university without the associated financial burden. The council is serious about the future of the young people in our borough we are commitment to building a fairer future for all.”

Hilliam, 19, is in his first year studying BEng Joint Maths and Computer Science at Imperial College London said: “I found out about Southwark Scholars by coincidence and luck. I came across the Southwark Scholarship website after searching for scholarships and bursaries I could apply to, because of my background. 

“To think that the Southwark Council is willing to look out for students who've gone through difficult circumstances, both academically and socially, by offering such a scholarship, just makes me thankful that people can understand the struggles of coming from a low-income background. Receiving this scholarship has changed my outlook on life positively.”

Lauren, 20, is in her first year studying BA History and Sociology at the University of Essex, she said:I was over the moon when I found out I’d been successful as it was a huge weight off my shoulders knowing that I would be getting help with the looming student debt. I would have still gone to uni but it would have been a struggle.

 “Receiving the scholarship was a confidence booster. Not to sound cheesy but it’s nice to know that someone else thinks that this is something I should be doing as they are willing to invest their time and money to help me. 

“If you’re thinking about applying just try! The process is very self-reflective anyway so you will be able to look at yourself and see what you need to improve on for the uni process.”

The closing date for submissions is Sunday 28 April so there is still plenty of time to get your application in. To find out more about the scheme and how to apply visit our website.

Page last updated: 12 April 2019

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