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First free video streaming service launches in Southwark libraries

12 April 2019

Southwark Council has become the first local authority in England to offer residents the opportunity to stream films for free from libraries across the borough.

Southwark Council has partnered with Kanopy, a free online film streaming platform, to bring free films to residents.

Kanopy streams thoughtful entertainment across any device by partnering with public libraries and universities.

Anyone who has a membership at a Southwark library can access the service free of charge, just by using their library card details. 

Films are the latest edition to the digital services currently on offer across Southwark libraries which currently boast the highest eBook and eAudio loans in London.

Cllr Rebecca Lury, cabinet member for culture, leisure, equalities and communities, said: “This is a really exciting step forward in terms of what our libraries offer. I am incredibly proud that we are the first local authority to offer a film streaming service to residents via our library network.

“We know our residents really value our libraries as we have more loans than any other London borough. Our partnership with Kanopy is a further example of our commitment to continual modernisation of our library services.”

Page last updated: 12 April 2019

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