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Seven new projects granted High Street Challenge Funding in round seven

10 July 2019

Fairs, festivals and food maps are among seven new projects designed to get people visiting their local high streets this summer.

Southwark Council has announced the seven successful applicants for round seven of its High Street Challenge Fund, which offers funding for community groups and organisations to promote local High Streets and shopping areas.

One of the projects was announced earlier this year as part of the Peckham Is Open campaign to support businesses along Rye Lane during the SGN roadworks.

Another of the projects that was awarded funding was Rotherhithe’s Time & Talents organisation to put on community events in the Surrey Quays shopping centre. Fun themed events will focus on key local health priorities. In addition, business workshops and smaller-scale monthly events will encourage the celebration of diversity and inclusivity, bringing together people from all backgrounds within the local community.

Jemma Bicknell, Communities Programme Manager at Time & Talents (T&T2) said: “The High Street Challenge funding has enabled us to add even more activities to our exciting monthly kids and families event, Fizzy Family Fun, and also given us the resources to run four health-focused events for the whole community.

“These have enabled us to offer information, activities and introductions to other helpful organisations for the community around Dementia, Diabetes, Stroke and Mental Health.”

Cllr Stephanie Cryan, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Business and Innovation, said: “The High Street Challenge projects are designed to make a positive contribution to helping our local small businesses thrive and make our high streets more inclusive. In each round we are always impressed with the imagination, commitment and range of ideas that are put forward to encourage people down to shop and spend money in their local High Streets. Congratulations to everyone who was successful in round 7, I am looking forward to seeing the final products.”

Page last updated: 10 July 2019

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