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‘Who Am I’ app developer shows budding Old Kent Road entrepreneurs how it’s done

24 June 2019

Taiwo Omisore, a 28 year old entrepreneur from south east London, who started developing his first app ‘SpaceBots’ while making the daily grind of a 90 minute commute to work, hosted his first public workshop this week.

Held at Number 231 Old Kent Road, Southwark Council’s new community space, Taiwo showed the gathered audience of 100 local people how he first became hooked on video games with his brother as a toddler, right up to his latest successful app called ‘Who Am I’ – his first app which is not a game.

Says Taiwo: “The workshop was an introduction to the world of programming and covered all the basics. We also made a couple of small programmes and applications during the course of the evening. Personally, I was delighted to launch this exhibition and celebration of identity, just down the road from where I was born and raised. I really hope this exhibition has inspired local talent to jump into computer science, programming and art.

“I was lucky in that my audience were all enthusiastic so I was able to show the differences between making a game, something which is closed ended and an app that is not a game which is a totally different experience. I also spoke about the challenges of making apps and how we need more people taking risks in the tech and creative  industry. The most unusual thing for me was seeing people who I had never met before but had used the app, coming to the exhibition. The power of apps and what it can do is really something special.”

The Old Kent Road community space has been attracting people ever since its launch with its first youth event in April.Cllr Johnson Situ, Cabinet Member for Growth, Development and Planning at Southwark Council said this was an excellent example of what the Community Space is meant to be used for: “The vision for the Old Kent Road is to build on its unique creative character, a place where industry can thrive alongside new homes and quality open spaces. As someone who is proud of growing up in this area, I know the importance of a space like 231 which brings together local people, so they can have their say about all the exciting changes taking place in the area. Having met Taiwo prior to the event, he is a very impressive individual and I have no doubt his workshop will have inspired other like minded people into becoming successful entrepreneurs in their own right.”

Page last updated: 24 June 2019

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