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Southwark Council commits to end male violence against women

11 October 2019

Southwark Council has achieved White Ribbon Status, showing its commitment to working towards ending male violence against women.

White Ribbon UK is part of the largest global initiative to end male violence against women. The charity works with local authorities, emergency services and organisations to ensure workplaces and communities are made safer for women, and that they actively challenge those male cultures that lead to harassment, abuse, and violence. To achieve White Ribbon Status an organisation must produce a challenging three-year action plan which covers raising awareness, changing culture, and specifically engaging with men and boys.

Commitments made in the council's action plan include, promotion of White Ribbon UK at all stakeholder events and newsletters to landlords and partner agencies, to maximise opportunities to raise awareness in local communities and appointing volunteer ambassadors to carry the message out to more men.

Councillor Kieron Williams, cabinet member for housing management and modernisation, said: “The recognition from White Ribbon is in line with our Violence Against Women and Girls strategy, which includes the introduction of a holistic domestic abuse service, supporting survivors of domestic abuse, but also providing therapeutic support for children, and a perpetrator programme working towards behavioural change.

“Southwark Council will continue to develop its services and ensure that we are here to protect women and keep them safe in their own home if they wish, using our policy to evict the perpetrator, if that is what is required.”

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK said, “We are really pleased that Southwark Council has achieved White Ribbon Status. An organisation delivering its action plan can reach a considerable number of people and really make a difference”.

To wear a white ribbon is to pledge never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

More awareness

So far, 74 local authorities have received White Ribbon accreditation, including police forces, fire and rescue services, health authorities, housing associations and educational institutions. There is also a scheme for smaller organisations to show support for White Ribbon UK.

The accreditation award lasts for three years and after each year staff from White Ribbon UK will ask for a report of progress so far and work with the council on plans for the next three-year period.

The council has recruited six male council officers and elected members as White Ribbon UK ambassadors, and has been working with partner organisations, including Solace Womens Aid.

Individuals can join over 37,000 others who have signed the White Ribbon UK pledge and get more information online at

Follow White Ribbon UK on twitter: @WhiteRibbon_UK

Page last updated: 11 October 2019

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