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Southwark Council announces 2019 fireworks night

24 September 2019

Southwark Council is delighted to announce that its spectacular annual fireworks display will return for its sixteenth year, in Southwark Park, on Tuesday 5 November.

The council continues to keep the event free for all Southwark residents. Gates will open at 5pm, with food, drink, fire dancers, and a funfair to entertain the crowds; until the pyrotechnic extravaganza, choreographed to music, begins. The event will close at 8:30pm. As in previous years, everyone will have to book a ticket online, but these will be free for people who live in Southwark.

For the very first time, Southwark Council is working with Mobiloo, a company that will be providing an attended, mobile, accessible toilet service, with a hoist and changing bench, for the event. The council hopes that this will encourage and enable disabled young people and adults to come along and enjoy the fireworks with family and friends. It also compliments the council’s aim to improve access to public toilets across the borough; residents are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas about this here:

Last entry to the park will be at 6.30pm. Ticket holders are strongly advised to arrive as early as possible, to avoid lengthy queues.

Anyone planning to attend the fireworks event should be aware that local routes to the park will be very busy on the night. People are encouraged to plan their travel in advance, to make sure they arrive at the park in good time.

Cllr Rebecca Lury, Cabinet Member for culture, leisure, equalities and communities, said: “I am delighted that the addition of a Mobiloo will open up this year’s fireworks to more people than ever before. I would encourage everyone who lives in Southwark, to logon, book their free ticket and join us for a magnificent annual fireworks display.”

Tickets will be available on a first come first served basis from Monday 23 September residents can find more information at:

Page last updated: 24 September 2019

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