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Southwark schools prepare to reopen safely

1 June 2020

Southwark’s primary schools will start a carefully phased return for pupils from today.

All Southwark schools have been undertaking detailed risk assessments and preparations to ensure that when more children return to school that it is safe for them and school staff. Most Southwark schools have been open for children of key-workers and vulnerable children over the past couple of months, so for most schools this is about more children attending, and ensuring their safety. For all schools it is about a gradual and phased approach that carefully mitigates the risks and lets everyone settle into the new arrangements rather than rushing to meet an arbitrary date. The council is very grateful to Southwark’s schools for the great care they have taken in these challenging circumstances.

The council understands there is a range of views among parents, teachers and the trade unions, about the reopening of schools to a wider group of pupils, with initial findings from a council survey showing that more parents do not support reopening on 1 June than do support it. The care and attention that Head Teachers across the borough have taken in planning a very gradual and phased approach mitigates the risks.

Following the government’s confirmation yesterday that a phased reopening of schools can start from 1 June, Southwark Council can confirm the following:

  • 21 out of 75 primary schools, and three out of five nursery schools will start a phased return on 1 June
  • From 2 June, further primary schools and a nursery school will start a phased return meaning, in total, 43 out of 75 primary schools and four out of five nursery schools will have started a phased return from 2 June
  • All other primary schools and nursery schools will start a phased return by 15 June

Cllr Jasmine Ali, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Adult Care, said: “The decisions on reopening have and will be based on the risk assessments, which schools have developed with input from teaching staff. I want to thank head teachers and school staff for their diligence in this matter. I know all schools are making decisions based on their individual circumstances. Our priority is making sure our children return to school safely at the right time, not rushing to meet a specific deadline.

“Having received over 1,700 survey responses from parents about their educational experiences during lockdown and the proposed phased return to school, we know there are strong feelings in our community, on all sides. We are aware that many parents have expressed concerns about the proposed reopening of schools whilst also expressing positive experiences about education at home during the lockdown.  I want to reassure parents that schools are only starting a phased reopening when they believe it is safe to do so and following careful considered risk assessments. Of course if parents still don’t want to send their children to school at the start of the phased return then we will respect their decision.

“We know that government's own chief science officer warned yesterday that there is little room for manoeuvre, so with the R rate still close to 1, rest assured the council’s public health team will be monitoring the situation very closely. We will continue to work alongside schools, and will keep you informed."

Page last updated: 01 June 2020

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