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Call for volunteers to help Southwark stay healthy

13 November 2020

Southwark Council, supported by Community Southwark, has launched a Community Health Ambassadors Network to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help Southwark residents to stay up to date with the latest and most accurate advice.

Cllr Evelyn Akoto, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Community Safety, said: “COVID-19, and the restrictions we must follow, continue to impact all of us in Southwark. I know people are getting tired of being home and away from families and friends, but it is vital to help keep our borough safe, especially the most vulnerable among us.

"The vast majority of people will be aware of what restrictions are in place but there may be some communities where, for example, English isn’t their first language or they aren’t digitally active.

“Our Ambassadors will play an important role in ensuring their community gets the information they need, and that their voice is heard by telling us about the barriers and difficulties their specific community is facing, which will help us better respond to vulnerable communities.”

Chris Mikata-Pralat, CEO at Community Southwark, added:  "We hope this provides a great opportunity for our VCS to tell us and the council what their challenges are.

“We all know that everyone’s circumstances are different – by becoming an Ambassador you have the chance to tell us the difficulties your specific communities are facing in following the guidance and coping with this ‘new normal’.

"We hope this empowers and supports our local VCS and the great work they are doing."

Ambassadors will receive training, including specialist COVID-19 training, and can opt to join webinars and social networking groups for the chance to collaborate, chat, and offer each other support.

If you are a voluntary sector worker, a passionate volunteer, a local resident or employee wanting to make a difference during this difficult time, then please get in touch and help us prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Further information is available on Community Southwark’s website at

Page last updated: 13 November 2020

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